sábado, 28 de junho de 2014

O Talho

A few weeks ago and after trying to book a table several times at O Talho I finally got lucky and got it XD... this time not for dinner but for lunch.

This restaurant is a space exclusively dedicated to the wonders of meat. They have a butcher in the restaurant where you can buy different types of meat, including the same kind of meat that they serve... Basically they have a mini grocery store in the restaurant's entrance where um can buy wine (good wine), homemade chips, meat (of course), condiments. etc...

sábado, 21 de junho de 2014

Conceito Food Store

In the other day I went to an event called "Duas Noites no Japão" that makes part of the project Favas Contadas at the restaurant Conceito Food Store.

This dinner was organized by the young Chef Daniel Estriga. This Chef gathered a couple of young Chefs (friends of him) and created an outstanding dinner inspired in the Japanese culture... and I have to tell you in advance that the food was amazing, well executed... in fact flawless and very creative and innovative... due to the free spirit of the chefs... Despite their ages they showed great professionalism and great technique... The chefs involved were: Chef Daniel Estriga, Chef Will Araujo, Chef Tiago Penão and the Pastry Chef Diogo Lopes.

domingo, 15 de junho de 2014

The beginning!

So... I love food and I love to take pictures of everything... And I asked myself... Why not combine both? 

Eu adoro comer e sempre gostei de tirar fotografias... E então questionei-me... Porque não combinar os dois? 

In this blog I will share with you all my food adventures... photos, comments, opinions, etc.

Neste blog vou partilhar convosco todas as minhas aventuras gastronómicas... e respetivas fotos, comentários, opiniões, etc. 

I already started this journey on Instagram...

Eu já comecei esta jornada no Instagram Since I love food and love a good and well prepared meal, I will post all kind of dishes... 

Uma vez que adoro comida e gosto de uma boa refeição, vou partilhar convosco todo o tipo de pratos... 

Fish... Peixe...
Meat... Carne...
Fruits... Frutas...
Salads... Saladas...
Desserts... Sobremesas...

From everywhere I go... it could be a fancy restaurant or just a simple cafe 

Os post podem ser de qualquer sítio a que for... de um restaurante chic ou de um pequeno cefé 

And I will not forget the Drinks...

E não vou deixar de parte as bebidas...

Life is to short to make diet... so try everything!!!! Food doesn't need to be just a source of energy.

A vida é demasiado curta para se fazer dieta... experimento tudo o que puderes!!!! A comida não precisa ser apenas uma fonte de energia.

Eat Drink Live Enjoy