sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2017

Italian Burger and Lobster House

Eating Lobster don't need to be over expensive... and there are a great place in Lisbon where you you can eat a pretty good lobster... and the best part is you can pair it with a burger. The restaurant is called Italian Burger and Lobster House

If you read previous posts you already notice that if there are a tasting Menu I go for it... and choose the Lobster + Burger Menu which include 2 siders per dish (4 in total)... and you can even choose the burger (from all that they have - I choose the one called "Roma")... for the siders we choose the mushroom risotto, thai rice, french fries and green salad.


The dishes took a little bit but the wait was worth it... the other positive is the service.

in conclusion... I recommended and enjoy it.   


Eat Drink Live Enjoy...