domingo, 18 de janeiro de 2015

Jardim dos Sentidos

Vegetarian food! I never was a big fan of this type of food, probably because I never went to a restaurant who done it properly. 

So when I was invited to go to this restaurant... I try not to have high expectations... But thankfully, they prove me that there are some places who can do it right... I wasn't perfect but the best vegetarian experience so far.

Finally I found a good vegetarian restaurant! its not easy someone give me Seitan instead of a good protein. 

The restaurant is very cozy... But the climatization is not the best!

So, about the food...

We started with a stuffed mushrooms with spinach and mozzarella cheese and Papadam with yogurt sauce. I have to say that the mushrooms were one of the best I eat so far... In fact! Better than the ones that I ate at when I went to Volver. 

Stuffed mushrooms


As main dishes we ordered CacoBurguer and Ratatouille. The burger came with crunchy sweet potatoes and a salad. The burger itself was a little bit dry (and let me a little bit disappointed) even with the cheese and the caramelized onions... But the potatoes were amazing! I wish I could bring some to home.

The Ratatouille blown my mind! It was so tasty and delicious, that can't even describe it! I wish I could make it at home.

... I have to say that the portion are really generous...

To end the night... The desserts! Apple pie with cinnamon (with no sugar) and passion-fruit cheesecake with raspberry coulis. The pie looks like those our grandmother do, the ones that only she can do, really good. The cheese cake had a good combination of flavors.

The final verdict! A great vegetarian... But not good enough to make change my eating habits...

The food:

Rua da Mãe d'Água, nº3
1250-154 Lisboa

Eat Drink Live Enjoy...