sábado, 17 de outubro de 2015

A Cevicheria

When the A Cevicheria opened I told to myself "You must go there!!!".

I always admired the work of the Chef Kiko Martins, specially when I went to the "O Talho". According with what I read this restaurant is inspired in the many trips that chef has done to South America.

domingo, 13 de setembro de 2015

Herdade do Esporão

Herdade do Esporão was founded in 1267, located in the sunny Alentejo, it is one of the most important wine producers in Portugal, with more than 400 hectares of vineyard (housing 194 types of grape) and 80 hectares of olive trees.

domingo, 6 de setembro de 2015

Peixaria da Esquina

Look! Here is a restaurant that is what I like ...

When I heard that the Chef Vitor Sobral was going to open a new restaurant dedicated to fish ... I began to imagine myself to eat the best fish dishes in the world.

I was right!.... Knowing what is good fish, expectations were high (especially after seeing the dishes that he had presented in Peixe em Lisboa).

So... I star reading the menu and I realized the choice was going to be difficult ...

We start with some snack, to share, and the chosen were:

Marinated Salmon (a dish of the day) and Marinated Tuna (to die and die for, the fish couldn't be fresher ...it had arrived to the restaurant the day before).

Fried cuttlefish... the best version, so far, that I ate in my life.

It's hard to say which of the three was the best ... but if  I have to choose must be the fried cuttlefish.

I'm of from a place where the fried cuttlefish is King ... and as expected I'm a big fan of this dish! I eat this dish very often ... and I must say this was probably the best I've had so far ... was perfect frying, no greasy, with this amazing lemon zest and taste and this divine alioli.

Main dishes! Grilled Squid and Cod "Açorda"! ... Well! squids were very good, with a vinegary touch and very well done ... But there is no doubt! The Cod "Açorda" stole spotlight ... just perfect ... a balanced dish, well seasoned ... just so tasty and mind-blowing ! I could spend my day eating that.

Dessert Time. Again a "headache", in a good way! After all we had tasted ... would certainly be great.

We chose:

Green tea pudding, watermelon and ginger

Caramel tart with toasted pistachios

Cream burnt with S.Tomé vanilla.

Again! different combinations and all delicious and great look. My favorite ... all !!! I can not choose ... but if I have to recommend! the Caramel tart.

Good Good Good! ... A restaurant that everyone should try... but a little advice! making reservation.



Rua Correia Teles, 56
Campo de Ourique, Lisboa


Eat Drink Live Enjoy...

terça-feira, 11 de agosto de 2015

Gadanha Mercearia

It's not the first time that I say this... but Gadanha Mercearia is, without a doubt, one of my favorite restaurants... in fact top 3 for sure.

I go there every time I can.

sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2015

SushiCafé Oeiras

Another SushiCafé that didn't disappoint ... The only thing I have to point is that I would like to see this restaurant in a location that would favor it more ... The sushi is too good for a Shopping Center ... The lucky is that there is some separation from this space and the others "Fast Food" corners (and thankfully).

sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2015

SushiCafe Avenida

Today was sushi day. This restaurant was on my list "Restaurants to go as soon ass possible" and after I tried a few delicacies at "Peixe em Lisboa" the need become even bigger.... and today was the day.

A lot of peoples say that this restaurant has the best sushi in Lisbon... in my opinion it depends the concept of Lisbon... if it is the city itself! Yes! I agreed... but if they are considering the Greater Lisbon (which include Cascais, Sintra and so on) I disagree but it is definitely in the Top 3. 

The place is real cool... modern, simplistic... fitted to the type of cuisine.

sábado, 23 de maio de 2015

Rota de Tapas 2015

Rota de Tapas is back and full of surprises. From May 21 to June 7 Lisbon will be full of Tapas.

This event is sponsored by Estrella Damm, for those who don't know this a Spanish beer created in 1872 by August Kuentzmann Damm. This brand makes amazing beer which include one of the most amazing beers that I ever tasted (Estrella Damm Inedit) by one of the most amazing chefs in the World Ferran Adriá.

This year the event has more restaurants then ever... 52 to be exact! that's rights 52 places where you can eat the best tapas of Lisbon.

The restaurants are spread by the entire City... Santos, Sé, Alfama, Madragoa and more! this is the perfect opportunity to see the city in a proper way...

But the best surprise this year are the Tuk-Tuks... that's right... the organization made a partnership with a tuk-tuk company called Eco Tuk Tours... to use their services you have bring to 6 friends and need to already one stamp!

For those who don't know you can collect stamp in the places that you visit and with 3 different stamp you can win a trip to Barcelona.

sábado, 9 de maio de 2015

490 Taberna STB

Since the oppening that I wanted to visit this restaurant but never had the chance to do it, until now... And WOW... Amazing.

It is, probably, the best restaurant in Setúbal right now. The space itself is very small, but they have a lot of space outside (by the way must be perfect in the summer).

The Restaurant is located at Luisa Todi avenue (the main avenue of Setúbal). This city has a lot of restaurant, most of them dedicated to fish (since this city has a big fish culture... and has the best fish there are)... but it was missing a great restaurant with other dishes beside fish. There are many restaurant with this concept (tapas, small dishes... tavern style with snack) but none of them seems to care about quality... most of them is very traditional and old... And after my visit to 490 Taberna... I raised my hands to the sky... and said "Thanks God".

This restaurant serves mainly tapas/snacks but also have meat dishes and fish dishes... But I advice you to invest in the snacks and them share the main course... you will not regret it.

So before the order we start with the couvert... codfish with chickpeas and olive-oil (codfish salad - a very traditional Portuguese dish), homemade goat-butter (the first restaurant in Setúbal that I saw serving homemade butter, huge plus)... The only think that I would change would be the bread... they could serve different types of bread.

domingo, 3 de maio de 2015

Restaurant "Flores do Bairro"

This restaurant was a completely strange to me until the event "Peixe em Lisboa"...and this is why I love so much this kind of events... we have the opportunity to meet new people and specially different places that we didn't know that they exist.

So! This restaurant is located in Chiado (Lisbon) and it is part of the Bairro Alto Hotel (a 5-start hotel). The restaurant is very cozy and small, in my opinion, it has the perfect size... but also has a big disadvantage! it doesn't have direct access to the street. Passing outside you don't even notice that there are a great restaurant there.

segunda-feira, 13 de abril de 2015

Peixe em Lisboa - 2015

This event is always really exciting... its all about the quality and the fish (mostly!!! they also have meat dishes).

"Peixe em Lisboa" takes place at Patéo da Galé (Terreiro do Paço), one of the most emblematic places of Lisbon, even from Portugal, and gathers all this amazing and talent chef (in one place!!!)... Perfect!

I can try all the spectacular dishes without leaving the place... 

Just a few names that will make you "jealous", if you haven't gone there yet... 

- Chef José Avillez (2 michelin star): Belcanto, Café Lisboa, Mini Bar, Cantinho do Avillez
- Chef Kiko Martins: A Cevicheria, O Talho
- Chef Milton Anes: Arola
- Chef Vitor Sobral e Chef Hugo Nascimento: Tasca da Esquina, Cervejaria da Esquina 
- Chef Justa Nobre: O Nobre, Nobre Estoril

But the list continues:
- Sushi Café
- Las Ficheras
- Pap'Açorda
- Ribamar
- Taberna Rua das Flores & Flores do Bairro

Obviously I try as much as I could...

I start with...

domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Street Food European Festival

During this days (from 4 to 12 of March) the Street Food European Festival took over the garden of Casino of Estoril for one of the most incredible events... a festival dedicated to the street food with amazing food truck that will blow your mind...

With the perfect weather that Portugal have this event has every thing to a success! As a Foodie I couldn't miss the first day... and it was chaotic! thousands of people... But I dont care the food that I tried was spot on.

I start at Cucina with their Roastbeef Piadina... SPECTACULAR! I start my lunch there and after going home I stop there again for a Salmon Piadina. Piadina is an italian bread (flat round bread) that they stuff with amazing ingredients (specially the Roastbeef).

Next stop... FRUA for a great fruit juice! made on demand in front of the customers... fresh fruit and ice... simple and delicious. Despite the fact that the main sponsor of the event is beer company... fresh fruit doesn't hurt.

The big moment... Conceito Food Truck... This guys have a restaurant in Bicesse called Conceito Food Store and street food is not something that they do on the regular basis so I was curious to see how or if they could carry the concept of the restaurant for something "Street" worthy... and I thing the final result was very positive! They have a lot of complex and interesting dishes that shows the soul of the restaurant. With all the options I only tried the Burger and what a burger and after this one I didn't try any more burger (wouldn't be fair for the other burgers)... the meat was tender and rare (as I had asked) and it was served with caramelized onions and home made mayo.

And the dessert was waffle with Belgian chocolate and almonds at WaffelariaThe waffles were good but I was expecting more... something much closer to original Belgian Waffle... because the smell made travel to Belgium.

Eat Drink Live Enjoy...

quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2015

Nobre Estoril

If you are in Estoril and you try your luck at the Casino there only one place to eat... Nobre Estoril to enjoy this environment. This restaurant is located inside of the Casino of Estoril... a mix between the traditional Portuguese food and the lights and exuberance of a Casino.

In all the reviews that I read, all of them talk about the fact that the restaurant doesn't have a view to the street only to the inside of the Casino... I my response to that is "who cares!!! I don't"... if you want a outside-view the chef has another restaurant in Lisbon... go there instead...     

About the restaurant... the space is small (very cozy) and the best thing you have to do is a reservation... beside the staff always reserve the best tables for those who do it.  

Regarding the food...

terça-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2015


Another visit to the amazing and gorgeous Penha Longa Resort and this time to eat at Arola. This restaurant is one of the three restaurants that this resort has, along with Il Mercato e Midori (check the post about this one).

It is the only one outside the main building, the most modern too and best known for his wine cellar, vodka bar and menu by Sergi Arola (Michelin Star Chef).

The Menu was design by Sergi Arola but the food is made by Chef Milton Anes... and what a great work that he and his team do.

As usual the choice was the tasting Menu and it was an amazing experience... the food is delicious, the space perfect... everything spot on... and by the way! the restaurant has an open kitchen! always a plus.

So lets talk about this outstanding menu, shall we... 

sexta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2015

Moules & Gin

Moules & gin is one of the three restaurant of this type in Lisbon.

Moules & Wine (The Father - located in Lisbon - LX Factory)
Moules & Gin (The older Brother - Located in Cascais)
Moules & Beer (The Younger Brother - Located in Lisbon - Campo de Ourique)

I give them this designation due to the drink that follow the moules.

As you already notice the moules are the star of this restaurant... based on a traditional Belgian dish... the moules are becoming very popular and the best part is that you can eat them with your hand (the best way and the only way for me)... The first time that I try this dish, as a dish, was in Belgium and even there ate them with my hand...

They also have a few meat dishes (two to be precise...) but the specialty is the moules and as you can see in his name the gin is also king.

terça-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2015

Casa Mateus

Casa Mateus... The jewel of Sesimbra.

Sesimbra is a portuguese coast village famous for his amazing fish... and Casa Mateus is the perfect example of this passion for the fish and the local products.

This restaurant is very small (no more than 10 tables... very close to each other... the family spirit!!)... very familiar. The first thing that you notice when you came close to the restaurant are these amazing tiles in the facade of the restaurant.

From now on... my favorite place to eat in Sesimbra.

The food is outstanding... where the tradition meets the new... where traditional dishes get a new presentation (you will understand what I'm saying)...

Since I start talking about the food...

quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015


The type of restaurant that was missing at Avenida da Liberdade... Fine dining that respects the Portuguese cuisine and all its traditional products without being innovative and creative.

The restaurant itself is very interesting... Right for all types of customer. We can divide the restaurant in three different areas. The back, much more reserved (that everyone can use), in the middle it is the Bar, tall tables and a great selection of gins and finally the entrance, a lot of light and for me best one. 

Before talking about the food I have to say that the service was perfect. Friendly people... Always tried and worried to know if everything was alright and if we are likening... And the best part was that the feedback that you give they make sure to pass the message to the kitchen.

Regarding the food... As you can notice from previous post Every time I can I choose the tasting Menu, and this time was no exception. So the menu has 6 dishes (2 starters, fish, meat, pre-dessert and dessert).

sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2015


A restaurant with a lot to give and with potential... with pretty interesting dishes.

Once again... my favorite option in the restaurants - Tasting Menu. This type of menus are the ones who challenge the chef to keep every simple dish perfect... one mistake can ruin the entire experience. When you ask for it... everything is important (the food, the quality, the service, the timing between dishes, the environment... everything!)... Since this menus tend to last for a couple of hours.

So...  starting with the environment. The entire restaurant is very modern with quite a cool music, allowing a good conversation. The only thing that I didn't like was the radio music... despite the good music it was being transmitted through the English radio and... I'm not interested on the host comments.     

Great Staff... very friendly e pleasant and always worried to know if everything was good. Something they should always keep.

The quality is unquestionable!

The food...

sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2015


Trying new new things makes life much more interesting... So it was time to try Indian food.

I didn't try it earlier because my relationship with spicy food its not the best. 

If you gonna try something new... make sure you choose a great place! so I did my research and I found great reviews to Mayura.

This Restaurant is located in Cascais, One of the most emblematic places of Portugal.

The restaurant has the classic look of indian restaurant... the decoration... and vibe! everything.

The best way to get the real feeling of the culture and food is to order several dish... all different! So we order 6 dishes...

quinta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2015

Este Oeste

Food from the West to the East... It starts in Japan, with sushi, and ends in Italy, with pizzas! A very risky stratagy sice its two very different kind of cusines.

The space itself is amazing... starting with the main entrance where it is the bar. The all environment floats around this giant round sofa in the middle!!! the perfect place to spend the afternoon...

Passing to the restaurant! a very clean and modern decoration, very well adjusted to building itself (Centro Cultural de Belém). However, I don't know if it was just on that day or not, but I felt that the tables were really close from each other.      

Before I start "talking" about the food, I need to highlight the service... the employees were very nice, helpful and thoughtful.

About the Food... this time we choose the East side!

domingo, 18 de janeiro de 2015

Jardim dos Sentidos

Vegetarian food! I never was a big fan of this type of food, probably because I never went to a restaurant who done it properly. 

So when I was invited to go to this restaurant... I try not to have high expectations... But thankfully, they prove me that there are some places who can do it right... I wasn't perfect but the best vegetarian experience so far.

Finally I found a good vegetarian restaurant! its not easy someone give me Seitan instead of a good protein. 

The restaurant is very cozy... But the climatization is not the best!

So, about the food...

segunda-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2015


Assinatura! A restaurant that should be located in one of the best avenues of Lisbon. Its location its not bad but deserved a more emblematic and premium location. 

The restaurant itself is quite cozy and pleasant. Great to catch up with a friend, for special occasions... in fact great for any occasion... due to the amazing food. 

Since we start talking about the food... the menu is small (as it should be... do a few but do it really well) and has great choices... making the decision process a little bit hard...

quinta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2015


New restaurant next to the Castle... where tradition  meet the innovation.

Culto is the most recent restaurant of Palmela.

Palmela is a small village famous for the Castle the gastronomy (traditional pastry and amazing local products like the wine or olive oil).

So in the other day, me and a few friends were looking for a restaurant for us to do a little reunion and one of them suggested this restaurant... And why not?

When we arrive there the restaurant was empty... and I think to my self! "maybe it wasn't the best choice" but we stay of course... in fact! I kinda like it... it not every day that you have a restaurant for yourself even just for couple of hours... Later I realize that people are using this place more like a Cafe/bar than a restaurant... and its their loss because food is really good.

Since I start talking about the food...

quinta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2015


After my dinner at Midori restaurant… The first thing that comes to my mind is the BEST SUSHI OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!!

This restaurant is located in one of the most beautiful hotels of Portugal…The Penha Longa Resort, located in the middle of the amazing “Serra de Sintra”.

The restaurant has a very simple decoration, very minimalist but very classy and has an amazing view over the mountains and the Sintra forest.

Since it is a five-star hotel the service was exquisite. The staff was very nice and very friendly… and most important they make us feel welcomed, which is key factor when you eat in a hotel.

So about the food…